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Creating a new paradigm of leadership through Embodied Feminine Leadership

I help women unleash their feminine power so they can lead authentically, confidently, with joy and purpose, without giving up their identity as a woman.

“Throughout centuries, women have been trained to give away their power. René Murata taught me how to reclaim my power. As a result, I stopped over-giving and under-earning! Thank you René!”

— Kadena Tate, Dallas, TX

I had to confront trauma from my past, learn to understand it and release.  It was amazing!  What happened next is hard to describe. I had been hurting for 40 years, and although I understood what had happened (when I was a child), I was too young at the time to deal with the emotions and allowed it to follow me throughout my life.  Doing the program was like a flood gate being opened.  René walked me through the steps of self-compassion and how to go through an ongoing process during the week.  It was like a weight being lift off my soul.  So much sadness that had turned to anger was suddenly no longer there.  It had been replaced with love, love for myself with an understanding of what I had experienced. 

- Rebecca Corb

Hello, I'm Rene' Murata,

I believe you've come across this message for a reason, as life is full of opportunities that can help us progress in every aspect of our lives.

Many of us, including myself, have experienced feeling stuck because we've allowed our inner critic, that pesky ego voice, to hold us back.

You know the one I'm talking about - the voice that tells us we're not good enough, not smart enough, and that we'll never achieve our dreams. When we listen to this voice, we end up playing small, suppressing our emotions, and comparing ourselves to others, always falling short.

I understand what it's like to feel caught between knowing you're meant for more and not knowing how to get there or what it would feel like if you did. I've spent years exploring personal and professional growth practices, and I've used that knowledge to help clients worldwide.

It would be my absolute Joy to support you in creating the life you desire, experiencing happiness and freedom. Let's connect and embark on this transformative journey together.

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I always felt like an outsider...Ā 

wanting more than what other girls desired. I yearned for something meaningful, powerful, and the ability to create change. So, while they talked about shopping, I couldn't relate.

Deep down, I knew life had more to offer.Ā 

Observing others became a habit, categorizing their behaviors as likes and dislikes. I also reflected on my own actions, comparing them to those I didn't admire. If someone treated me or others poorly, I searched within myself for similar traits. Conversely, if someone empowered others, I sought to develop that quality.

Another early habit was finding opportunities within challenges. I may not have always seen them immediately, but I learned to find the lesson sooner rather than later. These habits have served me well and helped shape my own leadership style rooted in divine feminine energy. Ā 

I am thankful to have developed thoseĀ habits early.Ā  They have served me well.Ā 

I have used the information IĀ gathered toĀ create my own leadership style, one that I now teach, and one that isĀ grounded in the divine feminine energy.

Looking for the good in ugly situations has guided me through personal traumas, sexual harassment, and watching my children battle demons. Each challenge brought unique lessons, making me stronger.

Choosing attitudes that see the beauty and gifts in life has made it a joy, though I've fallen into victimhood at times. Remembering my early lessons and shifting my thinking brought me back to a good place. Seeking transformation from within has been my focus, always eager to learn from the lessons.

Now, on my continuous journey of transformation, I want to help others on their own path. I aim to support women stepping into their brilliance and embracing their leadership, fully embodying the divine feminine.

As I opened up to the divine feminine energy, a new paradigm of leadership emerged. I want to help you become the CEO of your own life, empowering you to unleash the leader within.

Compassion doesn't mean sacrificing yourself, but rather seeing others as thinking, feeling beings and acting accordingly. It means incorporating emotion, compassion, and empathy into your leadership. It can be tough, easy, scary, or courageous, but it's always done with heart.

So, letā€™s shake things up so that we can live in a world of kindness and humanity.

Gain confidence…

CEO Essence addresses the core challenges women face in personal and professional environments head-on with these proven training, tools, and resources, to support women who are ready to step into their power, take a seat at the table, and engage in a more collaborative and meaningful way.

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What transformed women leaders are saying... 

"Rene’ is fantastic! She cuts to the core of the situation and helps you understand how you can be an emotional being, manage my emotions and be successful in the business world. I have been able to take the information that she has given me and used it in the development of my business".

"I loved Rene’s videos. They were easy to understand and they provided information that I was able to take and put to use right away".

— Amanda H., V.P. Accounting

I loved the CEO Voice course.  The modules were easy to follow and gave practical and easy-to-implement tools that I was able to put into practice right away. 

I didn’t realize how much of my power I was giving away until I started to pay attention to my energy.  Thank you, Rene’.

- Rebecca C., Entrepreneur

This Leadership Mastery class was not what I expected. I started expecting it to be more of the same old same old but hoping it was different. I’m glad so I took it!

The messaging around language really got me thinking. I didn’t realize the impact of my words, the subtleties of the messages I was sending myself or the people around me, until going through this course.

Now, I am extremely conscious of how I speak to myself and my team. In fact, my team has noticed and and I’ve shared some of the information with them.

It has created a completely different dynamic in the office.

- Michelle M., V.P. Banking


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